The 4th SDGs talk with Ms. Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, UN Development Coordination Office (UNDCO)

AFICS-Japan Invites you to a SDGs Talk “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UN Reforms in Development, Present and Future” with Ms. Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, UN Development Coordination Office (UNDCO).

Date and time: 
Friday, 10 May 2024, 20:00-21:15 (New York)
Saturday, 11 May 2024, 9:00 – 10:15 hours (Japan)
Saturday, 11 May 2024, 2:00 – 3:15 hours (Geneva)

Mode      Online via Zoom

AFICS-Japan invites you to the fourth session of the SDGs talk series with Ms. Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, UN Development Coordination Office (UNDCO).  From the five ”Ps” of the SDGs, we looked at health within “People”, then “Planet”,  and at the last session, the SDGs as a whole at a mid-point.

At this session, Ms. Kalapurakal will kindly give us a talk on the SDGs and UN reforms in development.  She will shed light on plans for the acceleration of the SDGs for the remaining period up to 2030, UN reforms (development) towards achievement of the SDGs, and the succession plan and process beyond the SDGs. As you will see from her profile, Ms. Kalapurakal has profound knowledge and broad experience with SDGs policy and UN organizational coordination for the SDGs.  She will help us understand how the UN is working together for the 2030 Agenda, progress and challenges of UN reform, and next steps for the future. Please find the profile of Ms. Rosemary Kalapurakal here.


8:50      Start opening Zoom meeting room
MC:Ms. Setsuko Yamazaki, AFICS-Japan Executive Committee member

9:00      Opening of the Meeting
Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, President, AFICS-Japan

9:05      Keynote Speech
Ms. Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, UNDCO

9:35      Discussion, Q&A
Moderator: Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, President, AFICS-Japan

10:10 Summary of the Discussion、Announcement of the next events

 Closure of the Meeting 


For more information (Members only)